How To Set Your Mastermind Goals

How to Set Your Mastermind Goals

Why set goals?

It’s not too late to set your Mastermind Goals. The difference between success and failure for many business owners is simply a matter creating a vision and goal setting. Once their business is established, many business owners tend to go with the flow/work. When you fail to continually set new goals, you are passively saying that your business is on auto-pilot and it will dictate to you – not the other way around.

Set Smart Mastermind Goals

(Up To 1-3 per session)- Set your mastermind goals just easy. Initially, as you get used to the idea and to get into the grove. Get into the habit of setting a goal that works for you but is also productive. Also get into the habit of completing these goals between your sessions. This helps you work on the things that you may otherwise neglect without the accountability from within your Tribe.  Goals are important (otherwise you wouldn’t set them), and this is where accountability comes into play and where the true growth lies — by doing more difficult things. Often they just need to be done once – but they do need to be started.

How to set goals that work

What you want to achieve (and why) The more clarity you have about our goals, the easier they are to achieve because when you are specific about each one, you can measure it’s success or failure quickly. If you decided to set your mastermind goals, it could be related to any of the following – Timeline/Vision board/Personal or Business. When setting your goal, we recommend using the G.R.O.W method:
  • Goal – Clearly define it
  • Current Reality
  • Options (or Obstacles)
  • Will (or Way Forward)


What is it that you really want to achieve? It’s important to be specific. “I want to travel more” is not a specific goal. “I want to travel to a different continent every year for the next seven years” is much better. Do you see why? The second one is measurable – you’ll have concrete evidence when you’ve achieved it – and it also has a time frame. Without clarity, you are unlikely to reach your “goals,” and they’ll always remain in limbo. You can’t really work towards something if you haven’t set yourself a clear goal to work towards! Our final tip is to make sure you write them down and keep them somewhere visible for quick reference.


What does your current reality look like? How far away are you from reaching the goals you have set?  If the gap is large ask yourself what help or steps are required to get there? If it’s an unfamiliar new skill or experience, then more research will be required. Talk to a few experts and ask lots of questions.


What are the obstacles stopping you from achieving your goals, and what options do you have to overcome them? Now is the time to get really creative. If you don’t have the money or time to do exactly what you want just yet, then try some lateral thinking. What shortcuts (or “hacks,” as they are commonly called) can you come up with to speed up the process?

Will/Way Forward

What’s the one thing you can do to start off and to build some momentum? What new habits are required to overcome your obstacles, and how will you track those habits? Start with small decisions and small changes. Incremental change will increase your chances of success. Get a clear idea of what success will look like, and be both optimistic and realistic about a time frame to achieve this. As you master 1 or 2 new habits at a time, you will then be inspired and confident to move on to making other changes until you’ve reached your goals.

Competence = Confidence in a loop

Just remember that there is a delicate balance when setting goals. Make the task too difficult, and you will give up quickly because it just won’t feel achievable to you and you can become disheartened. The same applies if it’s too easy –you won’t want to put in the effort. It also helps if it’s a S.M.A.R.T. goal.
  • Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
  • Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
  • Assignable – specify who will do it.
  • Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
  • Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
  • Just remember that how you set your goals in your Mastermind group will go a long way towards achieving the things that matter most to you – so make sure this is an area that you really work on.
“Remember there’s not much traffic when you go the extra mile. Impose your Will”
Inky Johnson