Entrepreneur Advice

Why Any Entrepreneur Advice  Needs these 3 Ideas

Remember all advice isn’t created equal. Looking for entrepreneur advice and how to find out what works for you. If it’s one thing I’ve learned in 15 years of business is that there are no solutions for everybody.

We’re all different and so the advice we get is not always correct. We live in this world now where there is so much information out there. It can be hard to work out if the advice you’re getting is good for you or bad for you If you’re being sold to, rather than getting great quality advice.

It kind of reaches this point where you don’t want to do anything because you’ve got so much conflicting information. Instead of jumping to the next shiny object run each bit of advice you get through these three prisms. To help you make better decisions about who to trust, what to listen to and what to implement.

Stop Chasing Easy

The first thing to worry about is when people say it’s easy. The famous Jim Rome has a great phrase which says “Don’t wish things were easier, wish you were better.” What he means by that is that the marketers that are telling you seven easy steps, 10x your business overnight are wrong. You’re being marketed to. Sure it seems like a good quick fix. Unfortunately the majority of these don’t work because if they worked everybody would be doing them. Right?

Instead be more sceptical the second you hear how easy something is, how simple it is and how you can overnight transform your results. Take a long, hard look and say to yourself. Really? Is this the best advice for me? And the answer is probably not.

The other thing you want to be looking at is you’re either being sold to or you’re selling. Every free Webinar. Every time you’ve watched a free video like this, you’re being sold to. In some form or another, even if it’s only some influence.

Been There. Done That

The second bit of advice is find people that have been there and done that. Now I’m not talking about following Gary V or even Richard Branson. I’m talking about finding somebody that is one or two steps ahead of you. Reaching out and asking them for advice. And the reason this is so powerful is that they’ve recently done what you want to do.

Richard Branson probably hasn’t got his hands dirty and in the marketing department for 25 years. Although he might be giving high level concepts and a lot of motivational talk, he’s not at your level. Or even remembers where he was at when he wanted to do something that you’re looking to do right now.

The other good thing about connecting to someone who is a couple of steps ahead of you is that they’re still at the stage where they’re not too busy. Not to answer your email or your request for some advice. So look for those people that have done what you want to do. But have done it recently or are only one or two steps ahead. They’re far more likely to answer your problems and speak to you about the queries and the entrepreneur advice you need.

Ask Better Questions 

The third final bit of advice is to ask the right questions. How do you know what the right question is? Well, that’s almost impossible. I’ve hired developers for $20-$30,000 projects only to find that they didn’t have the skillset. I hadn’t asked the right questions. Some of it comes with trial and error. But the ability to keep asking as many questions as possible will help you make the right decisions.

Ask more questions, keep asking them. Asking them in a different way. Make sure you check any references. Double check the things that people are telling you. When we’re busy, it can be simple and very easy to just take somebody’s word that what they’re talking about is true. That they have the expertise, they have the knowledge and they have what you’re looking for. Only by continuing to ask better questions and to get better at understanding what people are NOT telling you. Until finally getting to the real advice that you need. Getting it at the right price. And get something that is actually right for you, versus generic information for everybody.

Use them All

In summary the three tips are:-

Lookout for people that are marketing that saying it’s easy.

Find people that are just a couple of steps ahead of you. Because they’re more likely to be in touch and also have their finger on the pulse of what’s working right now.

Ensure that you asked the right questions and you ask as many questions as you possibly can. To ensure that you get the right answers that are correct for you and work for your specific situation.

I hope you enjoy this very quick education on asking for and getting good entrepreneur advice.